Friday, August 22, 2008

Psalms 37:34 chill....

So this verse was my Psalms for today in my daily Bible.. so many many times the passage for the day is appropriate for something in my life, in fact, it is always appropriate and fitting to something. Today this verse:

" Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Travel steadily along his path, He will honor you, giving you the land. You will see the wicked destroyed."

Not sure where the "wicked destroyed" comes in, but the "don't be impatient" part totally applies. Aren't there times in your life when you wish God would just act quicker? I'm really wanting that, at this point. It is just so very hard to relax during a season in which you think God should be doing something.. funny thing is, He is doing something. I just know that His word is true and resting on that is the best for my life and the best for the situation.

I'm thankful today for all these things and more:

God's love and grace in my life and that of my family
My incredible husband and my best friend
My incredibly loving and awesome daughter, my 2nd best friend... who also keeps me laughing
My solid and loving son, my bud, so smart and studly and whom I am so proud...
God's provision for everything we need in our lives
God's protection from evil, all kinds, which we know surround us daily
the hope that we have to see Christ one day..

to be continued....

So now I begin my day. Not much today but a bit of work and a trip to the DMV, looking forward to the weekend and spending time with good friends. More tomorrow!

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